In 2008, when students were using the internet to research their municipality to add to their interviews and images, they were given the following list of useful websites to use:
If you are looking for information on the internet, try some of the following pages.
Sorell Council
Tasmanian archives – you will need to write them an email if using any pictures from here
Tasmanian History links – information about families and land grants
National archives – use the record and photo search sections
Tasmanian Genealogy – great site with lots of useful links on Tasmanian history
Australian War Memorial – if the person has been an Aussie soldier, check it out here
Picture Australia – some great images but you must ask permission to use – check out the FAQs
Trove – check out the scans of original newspapers from all around Australia
Arch Rollings photos of Sorell district – need archive permission to use on this wiki.
Remember to use the Sorell Heritage Study books found in the school and local libraries.